Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take before my order arrives?

This depends on the shipping address. We will ship any order within two business days. Shipments within the Netherlands will probably arrive one or two days later. Shipments within Europe might take up to a week. Shipments anywhere else in the world will probably take a little longer. Whenever possible we provide a track-and-trace link the shipment confirmation email once we shipped the products.

Will you ship to my country?

Yes, probably. We ship worldwide. Keep in mind that shipping costs will vary.

What are the available payment methods?

We support a variety of payment methods, including iDeal, Bancontact, Apple Pay, Paypal, Mastercard, Visa & American Express

Can I visit your store?

No. We are strictly an internet store and the address on our website is purely a post address for returning products.

I am not satisfied with my order. Can I return it?

Yes you can. Except for magazines, you have 14 days to consider your order. When you are not satisfied about the order, you can send the unused product back to the address below and we will transfer back the costs of the product. Note that we cannot return any shipping costs.

Return address:

Overrated Magazine
Schuttershof 15
4461 DZ, Goes, the Netherlands
(this is not a visiting address)